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New Moon In Cancer


We hope your summer is going beautifully! We're trying to stay cool here in So Cal while we finish the Kickstarter decks - which is coming along pretty good : ) Check out one of the tarot images Brit made that I love!

We hope your summer is going beautifully! We're trying to stay cool here in So Cal while we finish the Kickstarter decks - which is coming along pretty good : ) Check out one of the tarot images Brit made that I love!We hope your summer is going beautifully! We're trying to stay cool here in So Cal while we finish the Kickstarter decks - which is coming along pretty good : ) Check out one of the tarot images Brit made that I love!

A note from our in-house Astro expert, Winter Jendayi:

Find Winter here: @winterjendayi and

As we wade into the sea, foam kissing our ankles, salt sticking to our skin, we are nurtured by the lullaby of the waves, washing to the shore time and time again, a rhythm that relaxes, a song which brings surrender. Crabs crawl across the sand, moving quickly in the comfort of their safety, contracting into their shells when sensing a threat. And all the while the stars shine bright as the Moon takes her yearly retreat within her star home.

Mother Cancer, waters of the womb, cycles of the Moon, well of our feelings, intuitive, maternal healing, supports us in the safety of the dark where we may be with the formlessness of our feelings and our creations yet to be born. Whether tears or laughter, grief or joy, our emotions reveal a necessary reflection of our being. And when we pause to soften and honor our sensitivities, we receive the gifts of subtle wisdom existing within, always there and waiting for us to listen.

What are your feelings communicating to you? Where can you soften and more subtly attune? Allow what surfaces to point you towards what is calling to be nurtured. Let your intuitive feelings guide you to what is worthy of your protection. Just as the crab carries its safe space upon its back, how can you create more safety in your life so your vulnerability may be expressed? Trust in the tides of the ocean, the songs of your internal sea and the darkness of this Moon.

Order The Card

Eventide Affirmation Deck (LIMITED)

You've just opened your eyes. You're not even sure how you feel aren't thinking about all the things you need to do or whatever is stressing you out. And before you reach for your phone to hop on your feed, you decide to pull from Eventide.

Sights, Scents, Foods + Gemstones for Cancers

  • Scents: Cancers are all about the home but that doesn’t mean they’re homebodies- it just means they make their home wherever they are. A great way to create that homey feeling wherever you are is with foodie scents like freshly baked cookies or fresh scents like clean laundry. Maybe try candles that remind you of cozy treats like chai (tea), apple pie, or vanilla. For more fresh options, try lily of the valley, rainstorm, or fresh linen.
  • Colors and textiles: Ruled by the moon, Cancerian colors are silvers, metallics, whites, and blues. Look for soft variations of these colors. For textiles, try romantic but soft and comfy. Ideal fabrics for this moon are chenille, cashmere or velvet. Of course, if you want to go for pure comfort, there’s always fleece and flannel too, or if you want to dress up a little sequins are a great choice.
  • Food: Now is the time to try out your hosting skills. Set up an intimate dinner party menu for your friends and/or family with some comfort food staples. If you have any family recipes that have been passed down now is the time to try them! If not, maybe start experimenting with foods from your cultural background. It’s time to dig deep into your roots, or if you prefer, start creating traditions now that you can pass down. You don’t have to pass them down just to future family- they can be for your friends and your community too. You might even want to think about foods you loved as a child. This moon is rife with nostalgia.
  • Crystals: in addition to the crystals in the pic above, you can try some stones for a happy home space, like selenite. This stone is relaxing, purifies your environment and may even help you get a good night’s sleep. Clear quartz is an eternal classic, perfect for cleansing and filled with optimism, or you can do a rose quartz if love in the home is your focus.

Stay In The Loop

Cancers are all about the home but that doesn’t mean they’re homebodies- it just means they make their home wherever they are.

Card Spread for New Moon in Cancer

If you're experiencing some ups + downs or some intense feelings, this spread should help you move through them.

While perfect for this New Moon, keep it in your back pocket and feel free to use it anytime you need to find some neutrality.

This is a spread to examine your feels and the best ways you can move forward.

  1. What feeling is most activated right now?
  2. How can it serve you in your personal growth?
  3. How might too much of it hinder your personal growth?
  4. What can you do right now to find balance?5. What do you need to be sitting with in the next few days?