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New Moon in Aries

New Moon in Aries


April sits comfortably in the midst of spring, coming after the equinox and before the early heat of June. Now is the time to indulge in feelings of lightness and energy. Combined with the fact that this new moon falls under the fiery, optimistic, and determined sign of Aries, it’s the perfect time for new beginnings. If there was anything you didn’t quite get around to during the Capricorn new moon or if there’s a new adventure you’d like to embark on, now is the time! This is an energetic if turbulent moon, so while there’s a get sh*t done energy it can also be a bit chaotic. Watch out for being too headstrong or impulsive. 

Sensory Guide:

Scents: Invigorating scents are ideal right now, especially those that match the freshness of the season. Rosemary, cinnamon and peppermint can all be energizing, refreshing, and brain boosting. Of course, coffee scents always have that get up and go energy as well. If you prefer something lighter and more spring-like, fresh cut grass is both enlivening and nostalgic for the joys of late spring and early summer.

Colors and textiles: If we take a cue from Aries, this is a time to dress yourself in fiery tones like red or burnt orange, or rich colors like a deep purple. Still, this new moon is all about that relentless energy, so if these colors don’t make you feel like you can take charge, surround yourself with colors that do. This is especially true for whatever you wear right now. If soft pink makes you feel like you’re ready to take on the world, then that’s the color for this new moon. For textiles, maybe go for sporty materials that are easy to move in. This is a great time for active wear that helps you move throughout the day, so workout fabrics like spandex, polyesters, or the more breathable cotton and bamboo are excellent choices. 

Food: We’re eating for energy on this new moon. If you also want to, think about how you move your body throughout the day and what makes you feel revved up. Carbs are always a great source of energy, as are proteins, so maybe go for bananas, some nice fatty fish, apples, eggs, nut butters, or chia seeds. Since we’re talking about new moon energy and new beginnings, a hearty breakfast is a great way to start the day. Try making your breakfast more exciting with a variety of fancy toast. Make with any bread or bread substitute of your choice and add a few magical toppings. Mash some avocado with salt and pepper, then top with cherry tomatoes, spinach and an over easy egg. Spread on some nut butter, with sliced bananas, roasted coconut and a honey drizzle. If you’re vegan maybe layer some hummus with sliced cucumber, kalamata olives, and sunflower seeds. The choices are endless and it’s a great way to feel nourished.

Crystals: We’ve selected a few crystals that we love for this new moon energy. Aventurine is a stone for luck and optimism, bringing energy and confidence to its user, which is great for new starts. Fire opal opens up the heart’s desire and allows you to let go of fear, particularly when it comes to judgement. This is a great stone for following your creative path, releasing bad memories, and supporting positive sexuality. Also, citrine is a really joyful crystal. It also allows you to let go of what other people think and encourages moving forward with newfound self-esteem.


Chances are where you live there has already been new plant growth for a while now but for this ritual we’re going out into the world to look for ever emerging life. It’s a simple ritual prompt really. Every day, for however long you like, go outside for a little bit and look for any new growth in the natural environment. Depending on where you live this may be more or less difficult, but whenever you find new signs of life either take a photo, sketch, or jot down what you see. Maybe it’s a new bud on a tree, the start of some field flowers, or even a bird’s nest with eggs. The natural world is always in varied states of beginnings and endings. In deepest winter there are buried seeds waiting to bring new life, and in midsummer there are cuttings that turn to mulch. Meditate on the natural beginnings you find in the world every day and how they relate to your own beginnings. 

This doesn’t have to be an in depth ritual by any means- it can just be a reminder that we can begin again at any time. If you want to take it up a notch, begin a foraging ritual or do some gardening. Even starting and caring for a small herb garden as a daily ritual is fairly accessible because herb gardens can be indoor or outdoor, and as small or large as you like. Encourage your garden to thrive and while you’re at it, think about how you can encourage your own growth. 

Tarot Spread:

This spread encourages you to figure out where your passion lies and go for it with all that new moon in Aries energy. You may already know what your passions are, but perhaps there’s something you haven’t been focusing on that demands your attention. Whether you’re looking for a sign, thinking about changing course, or just looking for reassurance to invest in yourself, this very quick three card spread can give you some support.

  1. What passion should I be pursuing right now? (Again, this may be something you are already focused on or the cards might show you something else that requires your attention)
  2. What is the first move I can make towards pursuing/increasing my involvement in this passion?
  3. What do I need to let go of in order to give enough attention to this passion?

There you have it- a fairly straightforward card pull. However small that first move is, the point is just to get started!

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  • David

    Wow. Goose bumps! My New Moon Tarot reading:

    1. The Magician
    2. Ace of Wands and The Empress (stuck together)
    3. Four of Pentacles

  • Beth

    Starting my morning with your email was really something to be grateful for. Thank you. I will incorporate your ideas in my new moon ritual. I’m loving the cards and will do the three card spread that you suggested here.
    Happy New Moon.

  • Shuree Wolf

    I cannot wait for my new deck to arrive. Such A BLESSING. Namaste

  • Kathryn

    I’ve been chaotically trying to figure out the most extreme way to live today. Now it’s 5pm and I still haven’t done anything. Reading this made me calm down. I definitely need to pull cards around your recommended tarot spread. Thanks! Wish me luck!

  • Shabobe Glover

    Thank you for this amazing ritual and ideas for this Aries New Moon. Have a great weekend!

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